Ramona B: "When I first heard this guided meditation...I felt that the dragon for me was my inner power which brought me in the land of awareness and I felt that something has changed... I entered a state of mind like..emptiness...and felt as if my whole body was inundated with warmth and my eyes began to sparkle with light."
Cezarina: " When u have time...sit with it as you being the AWARENESS itself and write down what comes to u... Would love to see what words come to you." Ramona: "I listened again to the Emerald Dragon Meditation... It took me far, far away to the Land of Awareness...again...Slowly, I asked, 'What could this be? What's hiding beyond this Land of Awareness? I could see..I could feel it.. There was so much Light, as if there were sparkles hiding around the cliff and yes...I was being transformed into a butterfly with lots of shining colors and I was flying towards this unknown Land of Awareness... I got close ...and closer... to be able to touch it,to feel it ... I was seeing only Beauty, the purest form of it...feeling only gentleness and more...I was seeing a rainbow which rose from a tiny corner of the mountain... Ahhh! Then came so much Light and the feeling of so much Power and yes...I could feel all of that inside of me! The singing dissolved into my soul. There was Light... So much Light lit up within me and yes...I knew myself: the Source .....within me. Namaste..." Ramona B. ( Virginia)
When the power of our attention comes from within, each day becomes an Enchanting Adventure. Today I wanted to engage my students in a mindfulness activity that would allow them to fully embrace all aspects of who they are here...among us. I wanted them to learn to apreciate all their inner colors ( their mandala of Being). It is a miraculous moment for me, witnessing this age group (5-9 years old) ready to come to terms with their multi-faceted and multi-colored personalities and human expressions. I feel like a mother wanting to protect them from a world that loves labeling and defining everything, and at the same time...I am a Container and a Presence that allows for their own life's miraculous unfolding to be witnessed with grace. Some of these beautiful children have been already sharing with me lots of new feelings and started to label those feelings as good or bad. It was time for me now to share with them that it is ok to fully experience all feelings ( to be like a mandala filled with all sorts of colors) and yet...to know we do not have to identify with those feelings that try to bring us down. We can just simply learn to witness all the colors blending themselves into the masterpiece of who we are. And so these feeling mandalas were born and the children insisted for me to take time and allow them to share their mandalas along with a specific message they had: After our children's yoga, mindfulness & creativity circle was over, I walked to my car feeling like a floating balloon of wonder. I opened my phone and the message that first showed up was exactly this poem below written by my wonderful friend Guthema Roba: "You might want to accomplish so much in your short life on earth – If you could only discover your true nature – if you could return to the source of bliss, where light begins, deep in your mandala of being – that is enough." ~ Guthema Roba Let us welcome the very best of a |
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Cezarina Trone
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