Tuesday Evening in Romania & Poland June 2nd 2020 ~ 19:30 PM-21:30 PM This Women's circle will be translated in Romanian and Polish (if needed) Acest cerc de feminitate se va traduce in romaneste si limba poloneza (daca este nevoie)
Join us for this First Virtual Circle for Women in Romania & Poland (two hours of Sacred Being-ness and Magical Togetherness) Something Magical for Women from Romania & from Poland. Iza Chojnacka-Naskręt and I are co-hosting this Virtual Self-Love Women Circle on Tuesday, June 2nd from 19:30-21:30 PM time in Romania (18:30-20:30 pm time in Poland). Wear comfortable clothing for movement and bring a journal & a cup of tea. We will enjoy our Inner Child Magic through sound, movement, creative writing, inner self-love journeys and more.
HOW are we meeting for this VIRTUAL CIRCLE? We will be using the ZOOM video conferencing platform INSTRUCTIONS for setting up ZOOM:
Please note that thisVIRTUAL Self-Love CIRCLE has been linked the "Art of Being A Woman" Facebook page below, where you can go often for updates on our monthly virtual women's circle as well as weekly self-love video inspirations and also to stay connected:
In the now of any present moment we may choose to perceive and conceive the merging of co-creative ideas and inspirations from within waiting for the opportunity to take form to be birthed into a collective agreement of shared consciousness to feel to listen to align to live in harmony in rhythm as ONE HEARTbeat sharing the igniting of desire for LOVE's Creations to progress.
This virtual circle is free for all women in Romania & Poland. Some of you have asked how to contribute to this magical work. We created a button for your love donations of your choice (sugested love donation between 20-50 euros) ...to allow the Abundance of this New LOVINGLY Creative Energy to flow from and to women everywhere.