LIBELULA" means "Dragonfly" in Romanian...and the dragonfly brings the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment; and the communication from the elemental world. Dragonfly medicine beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits which need changing. Call on Dragonfly to guide you through the mists of illusion to the pathway of transformation. For Cezarina, Libelula also brings in the (Higher Self) as a dragon symbol ...emerged as an expression of one's awakened heart center (an embodiment of Joy and Play within the Sphere of our Existence)...
LIBELULA WOMEN CIRCLES (our memories of Magical Co-Creation) AN OPEN INVITATION for eleven women who would like to co-create this play circle with us. We will focus on what wants to happen in the NOW and practice powerful ways to create new realities. A few guidelines:
1. YOU come to BE Life's Source of Power 2. YOU come to PLAY with pure sound vibration and colors 3. YOU come to Freely Express Your Newly Emergent Selves here and now (mediums of expression: Yoga, Meditation, Singing Light, Sound therapy, Painting, Dance, Poetry, Color Therapy, and more).
COME, Beloved... OPEN your Heart Wings.
The Time is NOW. The past is no longer and the future is tentative. Live in the flow of the new Energy around you,Feel your body buzz with new vibrations of Light and Emerge as a New Being. Become One with All that IS. Namaste,
LOVE DONATION for this Circle is $17: enjoy two hours of play and joyful Soul Expansion...allowing what wants to happen in the NOW and practicing powerful ways to create new realities.
Cezarina Trone
Cezarina first started facilitating women's circles while living in Niger, West Africa in 2006...unveiling her natural gifts of opening and holding space for endless potential of Creative Expression through the feminine form (using yoga, meditation, singing, dance, energy painting, life coaching skills, mystical poetry and more. The LIBELULA circles were born in Cincinnati, OH with Kim Fende and Cristina Spinner between 2016-2018 (every two weeks) in a continuous flow of Inspiration and Higher Consciousness Transmissions.
Enjoy our Gallery of Magical Moments in these Sacred Circles...