Join us for a Virtual Circle for Women (one hour of BEING time, Sharing & Exploring Sound Together!)
HOW are we meeting for this VIRTUAL CIRCLE? We will be using the ZOOM video conferencing platform INSTRUCTIONS for setting up ZOOM:
Zoom is an App you download on your phone, iPad or computer. Download the Zoom launcher from here: well in advance of the call. It's a small file and takes seconds to download. At the time of the call, simply join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android using this link below:
Please note that thisVIRTUAL CIRCLE has been created for all the magnificent women who belong to the FB group below, where you can go visit and connect:
In the now of any present moment we may choose to perceive and conceive the merging of co-creative ideas and inspirations from within waiting for the opportunity to take form to be birthed into a collective agreement of shared consciousness to feel to listen to align to live in harmony in rhythm as one heart beat sharing the igniting of desire for love's creations to progress.
Some of you have asked how to contribute to this work. We created a button for a love donation to allow the Abundance of this New Creative Energy to Flow for All.
Resonance in the form of sound surrounds us each and every day. We are impacted by every vibration and we impact the world around us with our vibration. Let us bring together our resonant hearts and sculpt the world. We are creative genius. We are light. We are loving intention. We are a sisterhood of sound. Join us! Resa & Cezarina