ENJOY this free guided relaxation for students & teachers . If you would like it in an mp3 format, email Cezarina Thoughts in your mind have made you what you are, and thoughts in your mind will make you what you become.” (Geraldine Ponder) Research is showing that the degree of stress in children today is directly related to the degree of their behavioral, emotional and learning problems, which places them at risk. We also know that we can reduce stress by using the power of thought, imagery, breathing techniques and movement (yoga, dance, etc).We are what we think, so it is important to look at ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually every day, to take one thing at a time and be mindful (fully present observing the breath). It is like building a muscle, like a retraining of the mind (a skill that is much needed nowadays when the pace of life seems to pick up speed). We need to be sensitive to our own needs as teachers as well as the needs of our students because we are in a strategic place to make a long lasting impact on these children, their families and their communities in terms of empowering them with de-stressing tools and inspiring resilience.
USE THIS RELAXATION SCRIPT (same as the audio file above) Interrupting the Pattern of Stress in Our Children’s Lives QUICK Mindful Relaxation for Any Setting: Sit comfortably (or lie down) and close your eyes. Our breathing can be an adventure to a place of relaxation inside of us…Are you ready? Let us take three long breaths, counting to 3 as we inhale through our nose (notice the belly inflating like a balloon) and then counting to 6 as we exhale down into our throat (listening to the hissing sound there…while belly deflates like a balloon). Feel yourself relaxing more and more in each breath. Let the background music calm you. Inhale deeply through our nose counting to 3 (notice the belly inflating like a balloon) and then count to 6 as we exhale down into our throat (listening to the hissing sound there…while belly deflates like a balloon). Let us repeat this for third breath. Say to yourself, ‘I am calm, I am relaxed.’ (Note for teachers: you can simply use this exercise as is if you only have 1-3 minutes available in between lessons or at transition times…or add the rest). Now let us add a little extra something to relax you even more. Inhale again with your eyes open this time…counting to 3 and noticing your belly inflating like a balloon…now hold your breath and try to look up towards your eyebrows and not move at all (like you are a statue frozen in time). As you exhale (feel the belly deflating), close your eyes and let the eyelids feel heavy and relaxed. As you slowly breathe out say to yourself ‘I am calm, I am relaxed.’ Feel your whole body relax even more; now notice if any part of your body feels tense at all and tell it to please relax, all is well now. Let us take another deep breath in (counting to 3) and tell your whole body to relax completely as you exhale and count to 6 (listening to the inner hissing sound in your throat). One more time: take another deep breath, counting to 3…and exhale counting to 6 and coming back to the room. Now open your eyes and stretch for a few moments.
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AuthorCezarina Trone Archives
November 2023
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