Let yourself grieve…let yourself grieve how you have seen yourself, treated yourself
and what it has yielded in your life. Let yourself grieve not seeing yourself
or All-That-Is as only Light.
Let yourself forgive yourself for what has come of not feeling your Peaceful,
Loving Nature. Let yourself grieve not feeling your True Essence,
and all the Unchanging Beauty to be found there.
When you make room for this, something
miraculous happens all on its own -
and you can open your Heart to start living 'Now'. Then you can
more readily 'let the past go' because it was
never about the past, but not seeing yourself As You Are.
When you make room for all of that,
you can genuinely begin to go beyond that. And it happens naturally.
It brings more of an Intimacy with the Moment. It brings more of an openness
to 'Now' and what you Truly Are. And it is not a 'straight line'.
Something beautiful happens when you let yourself 'be'. Something beautiful
happens when you have compassion for the 'human' (and 'forgetfulness').
Then you open your heart more deeply and truly to the Being. You grieve for
how you have been in not knowing and feeling your Unbounded Nature -
and the Unbounded peace, freedom, and love to be found there.
You open your heart to It more deeply by acknowledging how
it has felt, to imagine yourself 'without It'...To imagine
you have never only been It.
~ Sattva Lynn